All our vanilla is of the Black Bourbon Variety,Premium Quality Grade “A”, the best quality on the market.
Rich in essential oils, fresh, soft to the touch and full of pulp and seeds, with a very strong aroma, ie with hints of cinnamon, nutmeg, cocoa. The production and cultivation, is made in naturally, without the use of pesticides or chemicals, takes space in the Sambava province. Ti’s town is the capital of the production of vanilla, is within S.A.V.A. region, in the northeastern of the Madagascar. It take this name S.A.V.A. from the cities of: Sambava, Andapa, Vohemar, Antalaha. The most suitable for the production due to its microclimate, particulary suitable for humid,head
All the Vanilla that we import in U.K. is accompanied by phytosanitary certification issued by the Malgasy Authorities.
All our pods are fresh and vacuum-packed. They each have an average vanilla content of 1,8% to 2,0% and moisture rate of approximately 30/32%.
If our vanilla is well stored away from light and heat sources in vacuum-packed, the self life can exceed more that two years.
We are confident that we can offer you some of the best vanilla on the market at the best price ever, and not just in the U.K.
From producer to consumer.
We can supply you from 250gr. - 500gr. - 1 kg. - 5 Kg. - 10kg. - 20kg. Of Bourbon Variety, Premium Vanilla Pods Grade “A” At The Best Market Price.